samedi, août 31, 2013


Che Wan Kembang
Gemilang bestari rupawan
Ditatang dibelai disayang
Puteri sulung Sultan

Duduk di negeri Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga

THE ONLY DAUGHTER of Sultan Ahmad and Sultanah Che Banun, Che Wan Kembang was the light and life of the palace. Very often, she could be found in the forbidden garden, playing with a golden antelope her father gave her as a present. Her handmaidens tried to keep up with the little princess. Her hair,  flying in the gentle breeze, her cheeks rosy and her smile, lighting up her beautiful cherubic face.

Even at such a young age, the princess was already a brilliant scholar. She could read all the old Hikayat, which described her ancestors, the cities they built, the seas they traversed, the people they ruled. She was beginning to learn the arts of defense and the silat from her father’s warriors. She was fearless, beautiful and intelligent.
The rest of the story can be found here .

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