Here we are at home Iman Inas Irani Ilena Ikesha Megat Alysha Azreen Aqib Tiara And Bik celebrating Earth Hour.
We are having a picnic in the garden and Inas Iman & Megat have put up candles all around.
Irani wants to be a star
Inas wants to be a dancer on planet Mars
Iman wants to be a super student
Alysha dreams of being kindergarten teacher, photographer and fashion designer
and to travel the world
Ilena says she is the Island girl
Megat thinks he is going to be a hero
Aqib wants to get married buy a house and become a cartoonist
Azreen wants to be a super girl
Tiara wants to be a cat girl
Bik wants to go back to Indonesia for Hari Raya
I have all I want with Rudi by my side but would love Hikayat to be published this year
Ikesha wants to blow out all the candles